Connor as he was one week ago today, October 7, 2010.
I don't know why it's taken me almost two years to start a Connor Blog. Well, I didn't start the Taylor Blog until last October, so I guess technically I'm only one year late.
He was born complete, with his teeny crooked foot, and fell into a bucket of love. I've seen every tiny increment of his development for the past twenty-one months. It has been a joy!
I saw him lift his head, flip over, and crawl, with his mom crawling right along beside him to share with him. I've watched his fascination with first this toy and then another. Connor loved the toy from Claire, the one with all the loops looping around that rattled, crunched and shone. He loved that abacus toy that he would lift up and move when I didn't know how he could possible do it, so small he was. He loved any noise maker, if it mooed, hissed, screeched, sung or dinged he was there. He loved boxes, empty boxes, big or little boxes. He loved/loves boxes.
I saw Connor toddle his first step, climb, push push toys, pull pull toys, and throw throw toys, well, throw everything. I saw him push, pull and climb into boxes. The perfect trifecta of pleasures.
I saw his eyes light up with the push fire engine, the shiny red bike, his dad's wrenches. I saw him hang onto his mom's vanilla, her mixer, her cookie press, all delights beyond measure.
I watched him sit, stand, walk, and almost run. If I sat on the fireplace he would sit beside me, if I sat on the step he would sit beside me, if I sat on the floor he would sit beside me, if I sat on the couch he would run off and play with his toys. He learned to find fruit in my purse, comfort in my lap, and how to do everything to a book; eat them, knock them over, stack them up, or sit and be read to. What a joy!
I waited seven months, along with the rest of the family, for when we first suspected him of cutting teeth to when he actually cut his first tooth.. I watched him dance, his very first interactive choice with the world was to dance. He was a wee little guy and I would hold his fingers and he would dance. I think he danced with his mom every evening when she came home from work. First food, first bath, first boat ride, first Christmas, first candy cane, first birthday, first truck, first hair cut. They have all come and gone. What a joy!
And look at him now, studying things. Studying things to see how they work. Always thinking, observing, figuring out this world he belongs to. Figuring out cell phones, remotes, cameras, computers, car seats, openers, closers. He has learned to get his little pointing finger poised to push what ever button needs pushing. Figuring things out one bit at a time.
He loves things hanging around his neck, draped on his arm, or dangling from his wrist. He can dress up in fanny packs, purses, back packs, belts, or watches. He can lug things across the floor.
He can protect his food from Brandy or feed her which ever he chooses. He can pull Brandy's tail or steal her bed. He can tug at his grannies heart. He is The Prince, The Wee Guy, The Connorman, grandson, nephew, and son to those of us who love him.
I linger here -- relishing all the joys to come.
Love Granny